How to Potty Train a Stubborn Toddler

How to Potty Train a Stubborn Toddler ? Let me tell you how. The key to potty training a stubborn toddler is understanding his motivations and creating positive associations.

Potty training is one of the biggest challenges in raising a child. Most parents struggle to potty train their toddlers because they don’t understand their kids’ motivations and habits.

Some kids are just born with an innate desire to use the toilet. Others don’t understand why they have to go to the bathroom at certain times. And still others are simply too young to notice their need to go to the bathroom.

You need to know how to potty train your toddler to help him or her master this challenge.

1: Understand your toddler’s needs

To potty train your toddler, you need to understand what he needs. In other words, you need to know why he has to go to the bathroom. This way, you’ll be able to create positive associations between the two so he or she will make the connection that going to the bathroom is a good thing.

The best way to figure out what motivates your child to go to the bathroom is to observe his behavior. Kids who have a strong urge to go to the bathroom need to be given permission to do so. For instance, if your toddler has an urge to go to the bathroom, then let him. Don’t force him to wait for too long. This will only confuse him. Instead, give him the opportunity to relieve himself. If he doesn’t want to go to the bathroom, then don’t make him. Instead, allow him to play outside or watch TV while waiting for the urge to pass.

Once you understand what motivates your child, you’ll be able to create positive associations between the two.

2: Create positive associations

When a kid has an urge to go to the bathroom, he usually does so by touching his private parts. This is why your toddler needs to learn that touching his private parts is a sign that he has to go to the bathroom.

To do this, you need to spend time with your toddler and take him to the bathroom when he has an urge to go. In addition, you should also do this at home and at public places. Make sure you are always aware of the signs that your child needs to go to the bathroom. Once you are, you can reinforce the association between the two.

3: Be patient

You’ll probably see a dramatic improvement in your child’s potty training once you understand his needs. The key to potty training a stubborn toddler is being patient. If you’re not willing to wait for your toddler to master the potty, then you’ll need to get him into the habit of going to the bathroom at regular intervals. You can do this by using the potty when you are in the middle of doing something. You might even find a place where you can practice potty training at home.

4: Find the right potty

If you want your child to master the potty, you need to buy a potty that works for your toddler. A potty that is too big for your toddler is useless. You need to make sure that you pick one that is easy for your child to sit on.

5: Put the potty in the right place

The potty needs to be placed in a place where your child can reach it easily. A potty that is placed too far away will frustrate your child and he will be tempted to do something else.

6: Create a reward system

Once your child is able to go to the bathroom independently, you need to reward him for it. For example, you can give him a small treat each time he goes to the bathroom.

You can also try using incentives to help your child master the potty. For instance, you can buy a special potty that has a light or sound when your toddler goes to the bathroom. Your child will enjoy the potty and he will be motivated to use it regularly.


You’ve successfully learned how to potty train a stubborn toddler. Now you can understand his needs and you can create positive associations between the two.

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