How To Teach A Child To Wipe Properly After A Bowel Movement

Are you trying to teach your child how to wipe properly after a bowel movement? Does it seem like an impossible task? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this blog post, we’ll give you some tips and tricks that will help make the process easier and more enjoyable for both you and your child.

Explain the importance of proper hygiene

Explaining the importance of proper hygiene is an important step in teaching children how to properly wipe after a bowel movement. Not only is it important for general cleanliness and health, but it also helps to prevent the spread of bacteria that can cause illness in others. It’s important to explain to your child why it’s important to clean up after themselves and how their actions can affect the health of others. Make sure to use age-appropriate language when talking about hygiene, so that they understand the importance of following the correct steps.

Demonstrate the correct technique for wiping

Learning how to properly wipe is an important part of personal hygiene that children need to learn early on. The best way to teach them the correct technique is by demonstrating it yourself. Show your child how to hold the wipe flat in their hand (not wadded into a ball) and then gently move it from front to back, taking care to clean all areas of the bottom. Once your child has seen you do this, let them practice on their own with your guidance. You can also use age-appropriate visuals, such as blowing up two balloons and taping them to a stool to form “butt cheeks” for your child to practice on. This will help your child understand the concept of wiping better.

Provide your child with step-by-step instructions

Teaching your child how to properly wipe after a bowel movement is an important part of their hygiene routine. Start by showing them how to hold the wipe flat in their hand, and then walk them through the process of wiping, folding, and wiping until they don’t see anything on the wipe anymore. If you’re using toilet paper, pull off a piece that is the length of your child’s arm from elbow to wrist. Encourage your child to use a wet wipe after pooping, as this will help ensure that all fecal matter is removed from the skin and that their bottom is clean. Finally, explain to your child why it’s important to clean up after themselves and help them understand how long they should take to complete the task. With practice and reinforcement, your child should soon become familiar with the wiping process and be able to do it independently.

Provide plenty of toilet paper

Providing your child with plenty of toilet paper is essential for teaching them to wipe properly after a bowel movement. To make the process easier, talk to your child about how much toilet paper to use and what the proper technique should be. Show them how to fold the toilet paper and make sure there’s enough for them to complete the task. You can also encourage them to use a wet wipe after pooping, which can help them get a better clean.

Encourage your child to use a wet wipe after pooping

Using a wet wipe after a bowel movement is an important part of proper hygiene. Wet wipes are more effective than toilet paper for cleaning up and can help prevent any irritation or odors. Show your child how to use the wet wipe properly – make sure they hold the wipe flat in their hand and then demonstrate how to wipe, fold and wipe until the wipe is clean. Be sure to explain that it’s important to always replace the lid after using a wet wipe. Reassure your child that it’s perfectly normal to use a wet wipe, and praise them when they do it correctly.

Let your child have some independence in completing the process

Once your child has learned the correct technique for wiping, it’s important to allow them some independence in completing the process. This will help them to develop a sense of responsibility for their own hygiene and it will boost their self-confidence. Encourage your child to keep count of the toilet paper squares they use and let them take their time to get the job done properly. This will also help them to understand the importance of proper hygiene. Praise and reward them when they do it correctly and reassure them if they encounter any difficulties.

Reinforce positive behavior when they do it correctly

It is important to reinforce positive behavior when they do it correctly. This can be done through verbal praise such as “you did a great job!” or through rewards such as stickers or small treats. When they understand that following instructions correctly will lead to rewards, they will be more likely to do it correctly in the future. Positive reinforcement will help your child understand that good hygiene is important, and that following directions can lead to rewards.

Use age appropriate language and visuals to explain the process

Using age appropriate language and visuals is a great way to explain the process of wiping properly after a bowel movement to your child. Explain why it is important to clean up after themselves and how it helps promote good hygiene. Show them examples of how to do it properly, demonstrating with a doll or other age-appropriate visual aid if necessary. Give them step-by-step instructions for how to wipe properly and let them practice with toilet paper or wet wipes until they get the hang of it. Allow them to have some independence in completing the process but always be there to help if they need it.

Talk about what to do if there’s no toilet paper or wet wipes available

If your child finds themselves in a situation where there is no toilet paper or wet wipes available, it is important to have a plan. You may want to consider carrying a pack of wipes in your bag, just in case. Explain to your child that if they find themselves without any toilet paper, they can use a clean rock, leaf, or twig to wipe themselves. Make sure to emphasize the importance of using something that is clean and not contaminated with germs. If this is not an option, a small amount of water can be used to clean up. Encourage your child to always carry extra toilet paper or wet wipes if possible, so they will never have to worry about being stuck in this situation.

Discuss how long your child should take to complete the task

Once your child is comfortable with the wiping process, you can start discussing how long they should spend wiping themselves. Depending on their age and the size of the bowel movement, it should take around two to three minutes for them to complete the task. Explain that it’s important to take their time, especially for bigger movements, as this will help ensure they are completely clean. You can also remind them that if they don’t do a good job, they might not feel comfortable and it could lead to embarrassment. Encourage them to take their time and be thorough.

Praise and reward when they follow instructions correctly

It’s important to praise and reward your child when they follow instructions correctly. Offer words of encouragement, such as “Good job!” or “You did it!” If desired, you can also give them a small reward, such as a sticker or a treat. This will help to reinforce positive behavior and motivate them to continue following instructions.

Help them understand why it’s important to clean up after themselves

Teaching your child to wipe properly is an important part of potty training and hygiene. Explain to your child that it’s important to clean up after themselves, not just for the sake of being tidy, but also to avoid getting germs or bacteria on their skin which can lead to infections. Make sure they understand that cleaning up after themselves is a way to take care of their bodies and stay healthy.

Reassure them if they encounter any difficulties

It’s important to reassure your child if they encounter any difficulties. Let them know that it is normal to make mistakes and that you are there to help them out. Talk to them about the importance of proper hygiene and emphasize how proud you are of their efforts. Make sure to provide plenty of positive reinforcement when they do a good job. Remind them that even though it might take a little longer, with practice, wiping after a bowel movement will become easier.


Teaching a child to properly wipe after a bowel movement is an important step in fostering their independence. It can be a tricky process, but with patience and guidance, it will become easier with time. Make sure to provide your child with plenty of toilet paper and wet wipes, and show them how to use both effectively. Give them the opportunity to practice, and reward them when they follow instructions correctly. Ultimately, make sure your child understands why it’s important to clean up after themselves. With your help and encouragement, they will successfully master this important skill.

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