Teaching Kids About Memorial Day

Memorial Day is an important day to honor those who have served in the military. As parents, it’s our responsibility to teach our kids about this important holiday and the sacrifices that have been made for us. Here are some great ways to help your kids learn about Memorial Day!

Explain the Meaning Behind Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a holiday that honors the memory of those who have died while serving in the United States military. It is important to educate children on the meaning of the day so they understand why we observe it. Explain to them that Memorial Day is a way to remember the brave men and women who gave their lives in service of our country, and how we should honor their sacrifice. Talk about how it is a day to recognize and respect the great courage and commitment of all U.S. military personnel, past and present. Also explain how Memorial Day is a chance to show our appreciation for their dedication to protecting our freedoms and way of life.

Honor the Fallen With a Moment of Silence

Memorial Day is a day of remembrance and respect for the heroes who have served and sacrificed for our country. One important way to honor their memory is to take part in the National Moment of Remembrance at 3:00 pm local time on Memorial Day. This moment of silence allows everyone to remember those who have given their lives in service to our country, and to be thankful for the freedoms we enjoy today. Encourage your children to pause for a moment of silence at 3:00 pm, and to reflect on the courage and sacrifices made by our veterans.

Help Kids Understand What It Means to Serve

For many children, the concept of serving in the military may seem abstract. To help kids understand what it means to serve, you can discuss the different branches of the military and their roles. Explain how each branch serves and protects the country, and explain why it is important for people to serve. Show your children pictures of veterans and discuss their stories, emphasizing the sacrifices they made for our country. Talk about what patriotism means and how it is important to be a responsible citizen. Use age-appropriate books to help kids learn more about service and military history.

Discuss Heroes and Their Sacrifices

Memorial Day is a perfect opportunity to discuss the heroes and their sacrifices. Talk to your children about the brave people who gave their lives to protect our country. Explain how they showed tremendous courage, patriotism, and selflessness. Use examples of real-life heroes to illustrate what true heroism looks like. Share stories of veteran’s acts of bravery and their dedication to our nation. Discussing heroes can help children learn the importance of honoring those who have served and sacrificed for our country.

Teach Kids How to Honor Veterans

There are many ways to honor veterans and teach kids how to do the same. Have your children create cards for veterans and service members, and encourage them to research famous wars and their impact on our country. Allow your children to take part in flag etiquette training, so they can learn the proper way to respect the flag. Have your kids make a patriotic craft for Memorial Day or attend a local parade to honor veterans. Finally, make sure to explain how we show respect at military funerals, since this is an important part of honoring those who served.

Visit a Local Memorial or Monument

Visiting a local memorial or monument is a great way to teach kids about the sacrifices made by those who have served in the military. It is important to explain to them why we honor these individuals and what their service means to our country. Make sure to bring a bouquet of flowers or a flag to lay on the memorial or monument in remembrance. You can also discuss the impact of famous wars, such as the American Revolution or World War II, and how they shaped our history. After the visit, ask your kids to reflect on what they learned and discuss how we can continue to show respect for veterans and those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom.

Make a Patriotic Craft for Memorial Day

Memorial Day is the perfect time for kids to show their patriotic spirit through crafts. From creating flags, pinwheels, and even foam fireworks, there are lots of ways to get creative! I Heart Crafty Things has a fun and easy tutorial for making a straw flag out of colorful paper straws and foil. Meaningful Mama’s crepe paper flag craft is an excellent way to teach kids about the symbol of the United States. Rock-A-Bye Parents has an adorable bead pin craft that kids can use to show their pride on Memorial Day. Shaving cream fireworks are another great way to celebrate the holiday – just mix shaving cream, toothpicks and paper together and get creative! 24 Pack Independence Day Craft Ornaments come with all the supplies necessary to make patriotic tree pendants that can be hung in your home or given away as gifts. No matter which craft you choose, these projects will help kids remember why Memorial Day is so important.

Attend a Memorial Day Parade in Your Community

Memorial Day is a time to honor and remember the brave men and women who have served our country in the armed forces. A great way to teach your children about the significance of this day is to attend a Memorial Day parade in your community. Parades are often held in towns and cities across the U.S. and feature marching bands, speeches, and ceremonial wreath layings. Watching the parade is a great way to show respect and appreciation for those who have served our nation. It is also an opportunity to come together as a community and recognize the sacrifices made by so many to ensure our freedom and safety. The experience of attending a Memorial Day parade can be an incredibly meaningful one for both you and your children.

Have Your Children Create Cards for Veterans and Service Members

Memorial Day is a day of remembrance, and it’s important to teach our children how to honor those who have served in the military. One of the best ways to do this is to have your children create cards for veterans and service members. Not only will this be a meaningful gesture, but it will also be a fun and creative way for your kids to show their appreciation. You can have your kids write messages of gratitude, draw pictures, or make collages with poems or quotes. If you know any veterans or service members, you can even have your kids deliver their cards in person. It’s a great way for them to learn about the importance of Memorial Day and show their respect for those who have served our country.

Create an Art Project Honoring Those Who Served

Memorial Day is the perfect opportunity for kids to create something special in honor of those who have served. Art projects are a great way to get kids thinking about what it means to be a soldier, veteran, or family member of a service member. From painting flags to creating paper poppies, there are many ways to help children express their gratitude for those who have sacrificed so much. Consider having the children paint portraits of fallen soldiers or design posters with messages of appreciation. You could even have them make cards to send to veterans and service members currently serving overseas. No matter what project you choose, it will be a meaningful way for kids to recognize and pay tribute to those who have served our country.

Research Famous Wars and Their Impact on Our Country

Memorial Day is an important opportunity to honor those who have died while serving in the United States military. One way to help kids understand the meaning behind Memorial Day is to research famous wars and their impact on our country. By exploring the history of wars like the American Revolution, the Civil War, World War I and II, and more, children can gain a better understanding of what it means to serve and sacrifice for one’s country.

By learning about these wars, children can also gain an appreciation for the brave men and women who fought and gave their lives for our freedom. Helping them to understand the gravity of war and its consequences can help your children understand why we honor those who served on Memorial Day. Through this research, they can also learn about the various battles, the strategies that were used, and the eventual outcomes that helped to shape our nation’s history.

By exploring these wars in depth and discussing their impact on our country with your children, you can help them gain an appreciation for those who have served and how their sacrifices have helped to shape our nation.

Explain How We Show Respect at Military Funerals                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Memorial Day is a time to remember and honor those who have given their lives in service to our country. As parents, it’s important to teach our children the importance of showing respect at military funerals, which are a solemn and important event.

Explaining to children the respectful behavior that is expected of them at a military funeral can help them stay focused and solemn. Some tips include:

• Speak quietly, if at all, during the service.
• Wear clothing that is appropriate for the occasion.
• Stand when the casket enters or leaves the room.
• Stand during the national anthem or other patriotic song and salute if appropriate.
• Keep cell phones turned off or on silent during the service.
• Refrain from taking pictures unless expressly allowed by the family or officiant.
• Respect any memorial display areas such as a burial site or flag display.
• Thank any military personnel in attendance for their service.
By teaching our children how to properly show respect at military funerals, we are helping them learn the importance of honoring and remembering those who have sacrificed for our country.

Take Part in Flag Etiquette Training

Teaching your kids about proper flag etiquette is a great way to honor the fallen and remember Memorial Day. Flags should be flown at half-staff from sunrise to noon on Memorial Day. Teaching your kids how to properly fly the flag and about proper etiquette is an important part of teaching them about Memorial Day. You can also take part in Flag Day activities or find local ceremonies or parades that honor the flag and teach proper flag etiquette. You can use visual aids such as pictures or videos to help explain the proper way to display the flag and what it means. Taking part in flag etiquette training with your kids can be a fun, educational way to help them understand the importance of Memorial Day.


Memorial Day is a meaningful holiday that deserves to be celebrated and remembered. While it can be difficult to talk to kids about the true meaning of Memorial Day, it is important to teach them the basic facts and to help them respect and understand the sacrifice of the men and women who serve in the U.S. military. Giving them a better understanding of why we remember Memorial Day will instill a sense of respect and appreciation for our country and all those who have served.

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