how to get toddler to brush teeth

Are you looking for ways to help your toddler develop a healthy oral hygiene routine? Do you find it challenging to get them to brush their teeth? We’re here to help. In this blog post, we’ll provide some tips and tricks for getting your toddler excited about brushing their teeth – so they can maintain a healthy smile for years to come.

Start Early

Start Early

It is important to start teaching your child the importance of brushing their teeth early on. Starting at a young age will help instill good oral hygiene habits that will last into adulthood. Even from birth, babies should have their gums and teeth wiped down with a clean damp cloth after feeding. As soon as baby teeth start to appear, it’s time to start brushing twice a day with a soft toothbrush and water.

As children get older, it’s important for parents to supervise brushing and help them learn how to brush correctly. This includes teaching them how to properly hold the toothbrush and the correct technique for brushing teeth. It may be helpful for parents to demonstrate how they brush their own teeth while they help children brush theirs.

Using fluoride toothpaste is also important once children are old enough not to swallow it when they brush (usually around age three). The amount of toothpaste used should be about the size of a pea or even less if necessary depending on your child’s age.

Here are some tips that may make it easier for you and your child:
•Make brushing fun by adding music or singing songs while you brush together
•Let your child choose their own toothbrush (this can make them more likely to use it)
•Stand or sit behind your child so that they feel secure
•Use a small-headed, soft-bristled toothbrush
By starting early, you can help ensure healthy teeth and gums for life!

Make it Fun

Make it Fun

Making teeth brushing time fun is an important part of getting your toddler to brush their teeth. Creating a positive and enjoyable environment can help make brushing more enjoyable for your toddler and encourage them to brush their teeth more regularly.

One creative trick to encourage brushing is to dream up a story: talk about the imaginary “sugar bugs” that are attacking your child’s teeth, and how the toothbrush is their protector! After you’ve finished brushing your toddler’s teeth, use pretend play to teach them more about teeth brushing. Your job is to “check” that no food is hiding.

Adding a fun song or setting a lighthearted mood can also be helpful in making tooth brushing time enjoyable for your little one. Jessica Ray, a registered dental assistant in Red Deer, Alta., suggests trying to make it fun by turning it into a happy game or singing a favourite tune if they don’t want you to brush their backteeth. Letting your children choose a fun toothbrush they like can also go a long way towards motivating them to brush their teeth.

By making brushing time fun, you’ll not only help motivate your toddler but also create good oral hygiene habits that will last them into adulthood!

Let Your Toddler Choose Toothbrush

Let Your Toddler Choose Toothbrush

It’s important to start teaching children good oral hygiene habits at an early age, and letting your toddler choose their own toothbrush is a great way to get them excited about brushing their teeth. With so many fun designs and colors available, picking out a toothbrush can be a fun activity for your little one.

When selecting a toothbrush for your toddler, make sure it is age-appropriate and the bristles are soft enough for your child’s delicate teeth. Choose one with a handle that is easy for small hands to grip, and let them pick out the color or design they like best.

Once you have selected the perfect toothbrush, show your toddler how to use it properly by demonstrating on yourself or one of their toys. Make sure you brush all surfaces of each tooth – front and back – as well as the tongue.

In addition to showing them how to brush effectively, encourage your child to take ownership over their oral health by having them do some of the brushing themselves while you “check” that no food is hiding between teeth. You can also add extra fun elements like playing music while brushing or singing silly songs together in order to make it more enjoyable for both of you!

Explain Why it’s Important

Explain Why it’s Important

It is essential to brush your teeth twice a day, especially before going to bed. This helps prevent cavities, which are more common in young children than you might think. Brushing your teeth removes plaque and bacteria that can lead to tooth decay. It also helps protect against gum disease. Brushing your toddler’s teeth with a fluoride-containing toothpaste is the best way to keep their teeth healthy and strong.

It is important for parents to get children excited about brushing their teeth from an early age so that it becomes a regular habit for them as they grow older. Using sound and counting when brushing can help make it fun for the child and ensure that they brush for the recommended two minutes each time. Involving them in the process by helping them choose their toothbrush or toothpaste flavours can also encourage good habits from an early age.

Regular brushing and flossing habits are essential for maintaining healthy gums and preventing tooth decay, so it’s important to ensure that your toddler understands why these activities are important and why they need to do them every day. Being consistent with their dental care routine will help set good habits that will last a lifetime!

Sing Songs While Brushing Teeth

Sing Songs While Brushing Teeth

Singing songs while brushing teeth can be an effective way to help kids get in the habit of brushing their teeth twice a day. It helps to make it fun and entertaining, which can encourage kids to stick with the routine. Many parents find that singing familiar children’s songs while brushing helps keep their little ones engaged and focused on the task at hand. This can also help create a positive association with brushing teeth and make it a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Incorporating songs into your child’s daily oral hygiene routine can also help them understand why they need to brush their teeth in the first place. Singing catchy tunes such as “This Is The Way We Brush Our Teeth” or “Brush Your Teeth” from The Wiggles will remind them of the importance of oral hygiene, and how brushing their teeth keeps them healthy and looking good! You could also try incorporating some silly movements or sound effects (like roaring like a lion) when singing these songs — this will keep your child interested and having fun throughout!

Ultimately, by making brushing teeth an enjoyable experience for both you and your child, you will be able to create a positive association with oral hygiene that your child will carry into adulthood!

Lead by Example

Lead by Example

Lead by example is a great way to teach your children the importance of healthy habits. It’s often said that kids learn best from watching their parents – so it’s important to show them the right way to brush their teeth.

Start by brushing your own teeth, and then invite your child to join in. You can even make it fun by playing some music or singing a song together while you’re brushing.

Show your child how to use the toothbrush properly and encourage them to take care of their teeth and gums. Explain why it’s important – that brushing helps keep their teeth clean, strong and healthy!

Lastly, make sure they understand the importance of flossing too, as this is an essential part of proper oral hygiene. Lead by example, and your children will be well on their way to forming good dental habits for life!

Set a Routine and Stick to It

Set a Routine and Stick to It

It is important to get your child into a good oral hygiene routine as soon as possible. Establish a regular tooth brushing schedule that works for your family and stick to it. Make sure to brush at least twice a day, preferably after meals or snacks. It’s best to brush in the morning and at night, before bedtime. You can also teach your child how to floss properly each day.

In addition to brushing, you should also make sure to regularly visit the dentist for check-ups and cleanings every six months or so. This will help ensure that your child’s teeth stay healthy and free of cavities.

To make brushing fun for your little one, try singing songs while they brush or playing their favorite music in the background. You can also involve toys in the process by “brushing” your child’s favorite cuddly toy while they brush their own teeth.

It won’t be easy, but by setting a routine and sticking with it you will help ensure that your child has healthy teeth throughout their life!

Get the Right Toothpaste for Toddlers

Get the Right Toothpaste for Toddlers

When it comes to keeping your toddler’s teeth clean, it is important to use the right toothpaste. The wrong toothpaste can be too abrasive or contain too much fluoride that may cause harm to their young teeth and gums. When choosing a toothpaste for your toddler, look for one specifically designed for children that contains the right amount of fluoride.

Toddlers should only use a small amount of toothpaste, about the size of a grain of rice. It is important to encourage your toddler not to swallow any of the toothpaste while brushing and make sure they spit out any excess after brushing.

If your toddler is younger than 3 years old, avoid using fluoridated toothpastes as their young teeth are still developing and they may not be able to control their swallowing habits yet. Instead opt for an all-natural or low fluoride option that does not contain artificial flavors, colors or preservatives.

It is also important to pick out the right supplies for your child. Make sure you have a child-sized toothbrush and children’s toothpaste ready before you start brushing so that it’s easier for them to brush on their own.

To get your toddler used to brushing their teeth, try “copycatting” with them by looking into the mirror together and following each other’s lead while brushing together each day. This will help create good dental hygiene habits from an early age and make it more enjoyable for both parent and child!

Use Technology to Help Motivate Toddlers

Use Technology to Help Motivate Toddlers

Using technology to help motivate toddlers to brush their teeth can be a great way to get them engaged and excited about dental hygiene. Technology can make brushing fun, interactive, and educational. For example, there are apps such as Brush DJ or BUDD that allow kids to listen to music while they brush for two minutes. The app will time the brushing session and even show them which parts of the mouth they have cleaned. Plus, it provides visual feedback on how well they are doing!

Parents can also use virtual assistants like Alexa or Google Home to encourage their kids to brush or remind them when it’s time for their next brushing session. Additionally, parents can play “copycat” with their children by both brushing together in front of the mirror. This helps toddlers learn by imitation and makes them feel empowered that they can do it themselves.

Finally, educating your toddler about why teeth need to be brushed is important for instilling good oral hygiene habits in the long run. Explain how food particles stuck between teeth lead to cavities and other dental problems if not taken care of properly. Showing your toddler how you brush your own teeth can also help make it a more pleasant experience for both of you!

Establish Rewards for Good Brushing Habits

Establish Rewards for Good Brushing Habits

Establishing rewards for good brushing habits is a great way to encourage your toddler to take better care of their teeth. Setting up simple rewards, such as stickers or small treats, can help make tooth-brushing fun and motivate your child to stick with the routine. It’s important to start good oral hygiene habits early so that your little one can develop healthy habits that will last into adulthood. Here are some tips for setting up a positive reward system for good brushing habits:

1. Adopt Good Oral Hygiene Habits Early: Show your toddler how to brush at least twice a day for two minutes and start as soon as their first tooth appears.

2. Create a Rewards System: Consider offering small rewards or creating a rewards chart when your child brushes their pearly whites for two minutes. This will help reinforce the importance of brushing and make it more enjoyable for them.

3. Make Brushing and Flossing a Family Affair: Encouraging family members to brush together can be fun and create an atmosphere of positive reinforcement around oral hygiene routines.

4. Don’t Forget To Reward Good Brushing: Your toddler may respond well to tooth-brushing rewards charts or other forms of positive reinforcement when they do an especially good job of brushing their teeth!

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your little one develops healthy dental practices that will last into adulthood!



It’s important to start dental care for your child even before their first tooth arrives. Wiping down their gums with a soft cloth and water after each feeding is recommended. When the first teeth come in, gently brush them twice a day with a soft toothbrush for two minutes. Establishing a fun routine such as singing or playing games can help make brushing less of a chore. Rewarding your child after they brush can also help encourage the habit of brushing regularly. Lastly, engage your child by having them “brush” their favorite toy’s teeth to show how it’s done correctly. With these tips, you can help ensure that your children have healthy teeth and gums for life!

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