How To Teach Kids The Value of Gifts for Christmas

In a world of endless advertising during the Christmas holiday, it is no surprise that many kids don’t truly understand the value of their gifts. Their focus is on receiving the latest toys, electronic gadgets, video games, and high-end clothing that advertisers market as necessities.

Helping your kids to understand the value of their gifts will not only help to avoid uncomfortable tantrums based on what they didn’t get, but it can also teach them something about the wider world and the true Christmas message.


In many instances, kids feel that they are entitled to gifts. The “wanting” is encouraged by the advertisements on television, especially during shows for children, and the peer pressure of other kids, creating a materialistic mentality. The cure is to teach kids how to appreciate life.

When kids are continuously reminded how to show appreciation for what they do have, it is more likely that they will understand the value of gifts for Christmas. Their view on Christmas may even turn from “I want” to “thank you for your gift”. This is the ultimate understanding of the true value of gifts.


Demonstrating the importance of not receiving, but in the giving, creates a strong path to helping kids understand the value of gifts for Christmas. If they are always on the receiving end, how can you expect them to see the value in gifts received?

Having kids write a list of who they would like to give a gift to and why, begins the act of seeing kindness where there is more value in giving than receiving. You could even go through all of their current toys and ask them which they would like to donate to children who have a lot less than they do. You can tie this into the Christmas story and the Christmas spirit to help them understand the value of doing something good for others.


By showing kids that there are other ways to enjoy the Christmas season without putting great importance on how many gifts they receive, the attention is taken away from “expecting” to “non-expecting” gifts. When gift are not expected, they are valued.

Showing kids how to experience other amazing factors of the Christmas season will help them understand that when they do receive a gift, it has the value of thoughtfulness. This means taking more time out as a family to value activities together, rather than things. This isn’t just good for the kids – it’s important for the parents too!

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