Nutrition for Babies 6-12 months

One can say with certainty that the feeding habits of babies can be challenging. There are specific baby nutrition requirements that must be met in all circumstances. The parent will need to go out of their way to ensure that the feeding program for the child is geared towards providing these essential nutrients.

There are certain foods that will be introduced into the diet including tuna, salmon and some Omega 3 foods. These are meant to ensure that the nutrient needs of the baby are never ignored.  Good nutrition will help the babies keep colds and allergies at bay.

Also Read: Everything Parents Should Know About Organic Baby Food

There are some foods that contain iron which will be of the utmost importance in the planning of the diet for the baby as well as the execution of the same. Eggs are an easy option but they might be controversial if taken in quantities that are just too high for the baby. This article explores some of the most important food types that will be of benefit to the baby at this stage of their life.

Iron for babies

The baby nutrition care requires that iron is provided in sufficient quantities. The iron will be important for ensuring that the brain development of the baby is assisted as much as possible.  The specific functionalities that are helped include thought processing and the prevention of motor deficiencies. Although babies are born with large amounts of stored iron, there is a need to supplement this provision after four to five months.

The premature babies will certainly need iron supplementary diets right from the beginning. This is because the iron accumulation is concentrated during the trimester session of the pregnancy. This is when the premature babies are already born. It is said that their supply of iron will be held back by about three months earlier than the fully grown babies. The paediatrician might recommend iron supplements in certain cases. The baby nutrition care program has to be flexible enough to accommodate these changes.

A daily dose of iron will not go amiss. Formula is able to complement the iron reserves effectively in ways that might be beyond breast milk. At the time when the body starts to eat solid food then the parent should select the items that have the best chances of providing iron. Between seven months and twelve months the baby will have to be given 11 mg of elemental iron in any given day. These might rise to 7 mg between the first and third years of life.

The dietary process has to complement the baby nutrition requirements of the child. For example the baby might be given iron fortified cereal at a rate of about 1.5 ounces a day. The foods that might be of relevance in this respect include beef, chicken, turkey and even halibut. Avocado, broccoli, baked potatoes, eggs, chickpeas, soybeans, prunes and spinach will be particularly rich in iron for the baby. It is said that iron deficiency is very common amongst children in the USA. This is surprising for a developed country such as this.

The calcium requirements of the baby

In simple terms the baby needs calcium. It is one of the cornerstones of any effort to implement an effective baby nutrition program. It will enable the baby to achieve that all important bone mass as well as the structures that will make them active in the future. A failure to provide sufficient levels of calcium can lead the baby to develop frequent fractures. In many ways the breast milk as well as the formula will be able to meet the needs of the child for the first year. When the baby goes onto whole milk then the daily requirement will be about 500 milligrams.

A glass of whole milk or even six ounces of yogurt will give the baby about 250 mg of calcium. The foods with the mineral include cheese, orange juice, tofu, salmon, white beans, broccoli, oatmeal and tomatoes. The baby nutrition care program requires that the baby is given sufficient levels of calcium in order to develop a healthy bone structure. In the times when the child gets to puberty, the calcium will be very important.  If the baby is obese or has a history of diabetes or cardiovascular disease then it is probably a good idea to give them milk that has been skimmed for fat.

The zinc requirements of the baby

Zinc is one of those minerals that ought to be included within the baby nutrition. It has a great effect on cognitive ability as well as immunity. It will improve the growth of cells as well as their repair in case of damage. Children that are not given sufficient quantities of zinc will suffer from impaired growth as well as the susceptibility to infection and running stomachs. The formula will meet the requirements until about 1 year. However breast milk alone is not enough. Children between seven months and three years of age will require about three milligrams per day.

The zinc elements of the baby nutrition care process can be met through servicing of pork tenderloin which has 2 mg for three ounces of the meat. A cup of yogurt will have about 1.6 mg while half a chicken breast has 1 mg. Generally speaking beef, turkey, fish, lentils, eggs, cheddar cheese, fortified cereal and whole milk have good quantities of zinc. The foods that provide iron are likely to provide zinc as well so it is a bonus for the parent in terms of planning meals effectively.

The vitamins for the baby

The baby nutrition care program has to include vitamins A, D, E as well as K. The children will need vitamin A for good vision and a vibrant skin. The presence of vitamin D will increase the absorption of calcium. This in turn will help with the prevention of bone deficiencies. With vitamin E the baby can benefit from the antioxidant elements so that cell growth will remain unimpeded in any sense of the word. The nervous system also requires that there is provision for the vitamin in sufficiently large quantities. Vitamin K is given the task of helping with clotting.

There is provision for a shot of vitamin K at the birth of the baby so that they do not bleed into the brain. The infant formula will meet the requirements for A, E and D for the first year. Children that are breastfed will require supplements including Tri VI Sol. The child should be given a variety of foods from the pyramid including vegetables and fruits in order to get all these vitamins. Cow milk can also be a good source for the vitamins. Parents are advised to feed their children egg yolks, fish, cereals, vegetable oil, grain, leafy vegetables, soya bean oil, fruits and supplements. It is said that about 40% have low levels of vitamin D and therefore the parents have to pay attention to this issue.

The importance of vitamins C and B

These are essential parts of the diet and the baby should be fed in such a way that they can access sufficient quantities. It is said the vitamin C will improves iron absorption. It also helps to keep scurvy at bay. One of the symptoms of this condition is the large bruise marks on the body. With vitamin B and folic acid, the baby will have a better immune system as well as a well developed nervous system. It also helps to keep a healthy skin and muscle tone. Cell growth will be promoted with the presence of these vitamins. They also help to regulate metabolism.

Vitamin C improves iron absorption and helps prevent scurvy, a condition that causes large bruises on the body. B vitamins, including folic acid, enhance the immune and nervous systems, maintain healthy skin and muscle tone, promote cell growth and regulate metabolism. The food period provides sufficient sources of the nutrients. In discussion baby nutrition care, we cannot forget that the means of the parent will be an important influencing factor in all the decisions that are made. Generally speaking fruits, dairy products, vegetables, certain fats and whole grains will give enough provision for these nutrients. These are water soluble vitamins that are widely available. Therefore there is absolutely no excuse for failing to give the baby sufficient quantities of the stuff right at the beginning.

Citrus fruits and tomatoes contain good quantities of vitamin C. It is also found in strawberries, potatoes and cantaloupe. Green vegetables contain folic acid while bread can also supplement the provision. Fortified cereals should be part of the ladder for people with babies. Brown rice can provide vitamin B. It is also available in eggs, beans, meat, bananas, fish and poultry. Even where the children do not seem to like the vegetables, the parents should be persistent. In the end they might end up liking the food. Most of the things that we enjoy as adults were not exactly popular when we first got introduced to them.

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