Teaching Kids about Lent

Are you looking for ways to help your children understand the importance of Lent? Do you want to help them learn about the significance of this time of year? If so, then this blog post is for you! We’ll cover some tips and activities to get kids involved in learning about Lent and how they can participate.

What is Lent?

Lent is a period of about six weeks before Easter in the Christian tradition. It is a time for Christians to be quiet and thoughtful, preparing for the celebration of Easter. During the Lenten season, people are encouraged to pray more, give money to charities, and give up certain things. It is common for people to give up something as a way of practicing self-discipline and focusing on spiritual matters. The purpose of Lent is to help prepare for Easter by reflecting on Christ’s sacrifice and following His example of self-denial.

For children, it can be difficult to understand what Lent is all about. To make it easier for them, it can be helpful to use symbols and stories to explain the concept and meaning behind Lent. One way to do this is by showing children pictures or statues of Jesus in the desert, where He fasted and prayed in preparation for His ministry. You can also use stories like The Story of Easter by Patricia A. Pingry to explain the story behind Lent and how Jesus’ death and resurrection are celebrated at Easter time.

Lent is an important part of the Christian faith, and it is important for parents to teach their children about it so that they can understand its significance. By using symbols and stories, parents can make it easier for kids to understand the meaning behind Lent and why it is celebrated each year.

The Meaning Behind Lent

Lent is a time of self-reflection and spiritual preparation for Easter. It is a period of 40 days that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends right before Easter Sunday. During this period, people often choose to fast or give something up as an act of penance. Lent also marks the start of spring and the beginning of the church year in many Christian denominations. The traditional religious observance of Lent has been practiced for centuries, with each culture having its own unique traditions and interpretations of the season.

It is important for children to understand the meaning behind Lent and what it represents. Lent is a time for reflecting on our relationship with God, examining our lives, and making changes to become closer to Him. It is an opportunity to focus on prayer and spiritual growth, as well as a time for giving to those in need. The 40 days represent the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness before he began his public ministry.

Explaining its significance to children can be done in simple terms, such as by talking about how Jesus fasted and prayed during his time in the desert. You can also discuss how we can take this time to focus on our own spiritual growth and make sacrifices in order to draw closer to God. Finally, you can explain how giving back and helping those in need can be part of this season.

Explaining Lent to Children

Lent is a special time of year when Christians around the world focus on spiritual renewal and preparing for Easter. It can be difficult to explain Lent to children, but with a few simple tips, you can help them understand the meaning behind this important season. Start by explaining that Lent is a time of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. Talk about how fasting is abstaining from certain activities for a period of time, such as not eating sweets or watching television. Explain to them that prayer is talking to God and that almsgiving is giving to those in need. Involve your children in the process by having them help decide which activities they will give up or take on during Lent. Showing your children your own devotion to the season can be a great way to inspire them and help them understand the importance of Lent.

How Long Does Lent Last?

Lent is the 40 days the come before Easter Sunday. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts until the evening of Holy Thursday. Lent is a time of preparation for the celebration of Christ’s Death and Resurrection at Easter. So Lent actually starts about 46 days before Easter. The Lenten season is six weeks long in the Christian liturgical year. The word “Lent” means “long”, and is a great liturgical season to observe with kids to help teach them about the church year. During this time, it is important to discuss the meaning of Lent with your children and explain how it relates to Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. This can help your children develop a deeper appreciation for their faith as they observe the 40 days of Lent.

Celebrating the Start of Lent with a Family Ritual

Lent can be a great time to start a family ritual that will be repeated each year. This is a great way to bring the whole family together, celebrate the meaning of Lent, and create lasting memories. There are many different ways to celebrate Lent as a family. You can create a Lenten wreath to hang in your home, light a candle each Sunday during Lent, or create a prayer corner in your home as a reminder of the season. Alternatively, you can also create a special Lenten jar or box and set it aside to collect donations for charity throughout the season.

No matter what ritual you decide to do, it is important to explain to your children the meaning behind the ritual and why it is important. This will help them gain an understanding of the season and its significance. This can also be a great opportunity to have meaningful conversations with your children about self-sacrifice, charity, and faith.

Giving Up Something for Lent

One of the most popular activities during Lent is to “give up” something, usually a type of food or an activity. This is a great way to teach kids about self-control and sacrifice. Explain to them why Lent is a season of sacrifice and how the act of giving something up can be a reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice.

When you talk to your kids about what they can give up for Lent, make sure you help them choose something that is realistic. It should be something that won’t be too hard for them to stick with for the duration of Lent, but should still be something that will require some effort. For example, if your child loves candy, it would be realistic for him or her to give up candy for Lent.

You can also encourage your children to take on a new activity or habit during Lent as a way of showing their faith. This could be anything from reading a book about Christianity to going for a walk or bike ride in nature. Whatever it is, it should be an activity that will help them grow closer to God.

Discussing Do’s and Don’ts for During Lent

Explaining to children what they shouldn’t do during Lent is just as important as explaining what they should do. It’s important to discuss the things that are off-limits during the Lenten season. If you have older children, you can discuss why these things are off-limits and how they can participate in Lenten practices.

Examples of don’ts during Lent include watching television, engaging in activities that are deemed inappropriate for their age, playing video games, and eating certain types of food. Depending on your faith, you might also avoid wearing jewelry or other accessories, or participating in certain social activities that could be seen as negative or distracting from your spiritual journey. Explain to your children the importance of avoiding these activities and emphasize how it will help them focus on their relationship with God and other people during Lent.

In addition to discussing don’ts, it’s also important to talk about what your children should do instead. Suggest new activities such as reading spiritual books or attending religious services with the family. Encourage your children to take on new projects or hobbies that can help them focus on self-improvement and on becoming closer to God.

By discussing both the do’s and don’ts of Lent with your children, you can help them better understand the importance of the season and find ways to make it meaningful for them.

Creating a Family Prayer Box

Creating a family prayer box is a great way to help children learn about the importance of prayer during Lent. You can find a range of different materials to create a prayer box, such as a 3×5 index card box or a wooden box with dividers. You can decorate it with paint, beads, ribbons, or other craft supplies. Then, you can fill it with items such as rosaries, crocheted roses for teaching kids to pray the rosary, journals for writing down prayers, and other items. You can even add a few Scripture cards for children to read and reflect on. Showing children how to use the prayer box and encouraging them to use it daily will help them learn about the importance of prayer during this special season.

Taking on New Acts of Kindness During Lent

Acts of kindness during Lent can be a great way to help children learn about how to love and serve others, while also encouraging spiritual growth. During Lent, you can focus on giving to those in need and encouraging children to think more deeply about their actions.

There are many ways to incorporate acts of kindness into your family’s Lenten journey. You can focus on one act of kindness per day or week, or you can challenge your children to come up with their own ideas. Some examples of acts of kindness that you can do as a family include:

• Making homemade cards for the elderly
• Donating clothes and toys to a local charity
• Volunteering at a soup kitchen
• Writing notes of encouragement for family members and friends
• Helping out a neighbor in need
• Doing random acts of kindness for strangers
• Planting a tree or flowers in your community
• Picking up trash in a public park
• Reading books to children at a local library or school

Fasting During Lent

Fasting is a way to “give up” something in remembrance of Jesus’ 40 days of fasting in the desert. It is often done by skipping one or two meals, or by eating less than usual. For children, fasting may mean having a smaller snack or meal on certain days of Lent, or eating only one type of food for a day.

The important thing to remember is that fasting isn’t about deprivation or punishment. Instead, it helps to remind us that food isn’t the most important thing in life. It helps us to focus on God and our relationship with Him.

It’s important to remind your kids that fasting isn’t a competition; it’s about making simple changes to help them remember Jesus and to grow closer to Him. With that in mind, fasting should be an enjoyable experience that can help your kids grow in faith.

Explaining What Almsgiving Is

Almsgiving is one of the three pillars of Lent. Almsgiving might sound like a difficult concept to explain to kids, but it’s actually quite simple. Almsgiving simply means giving to those in need. This can be done in tangible ways, such as donating money or supplies, or it can be done in intangible ways, such as offering prayers or kind words to someone who needs it. Almsgiving is an important part of Lent because it helps us remember that we are all part of a larger community and that we have a responsibility to help each other. It is also a way of deepening our relationship with God.

Discussing Spiritual Disciplines during Lent

Discussing spiritual disciplines during Lent is a great opportunity to help your kids grow in their faith. During this season, it’s important to focus on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Talk with your kids about the importance of prayer and how it can be a powerful tool to draw closer to God. You can also discuss why fasting is important and what it means to fast from something. Finally, talk about the importance of almsgiving and how giving to others can bring us closer to God. Talk about ways your family can give during Lent and come up with creative ideas for charitable donations. Encourage your kids to take on a spiritual discipline of their own during Lent and help them find ways to stay focused on the meaning behind this special season.

Keeping an Activity Journal to Track Progress

Keeping an activity journal is a great way for kids to track their progress and reflect on their journey during the season of Lent. This can be done in a traditional notebook or on a tablet. Activity journals help kids keep track of how they are doing with their Lenten commitments – whether it’s fasting, almsgiving, or spiritual disciplines. They can also use it to reflect on the daily readings and prayers they’ve done during Lent, as well as any new acts of kindness they have done. Activity journals can also be used to track their progress in giving to charity, counting down the days until Easter, or working on projects.

 During the Season of Lent    

During the season of Lent, it’s important to include kids in charitable giving. This can help them to understand the importance of giving back to the community, and how it helps to make a difference in people’s lives. You can talk to your children about why it’s important to give, and what kind of impact it can have. You can encourage your children to donate their money, time, or items they don’t need anymore. You can also organize family volunteering activities and discuss how it felt to help others in need. By engaging your kids in charitable giving, you can help them learn the importance of being a responsible citizen and how it feels to be part of a community.

 Including Kids in Charitable Giving    

One of the most important aspects of Lent is almsgiving. Almsgiving is the act of giving to those in need. It can be done in many ways, such as donating money to a charity, volunteering your time, or helping out a friend or neighbor. Almsgiving doesn’t have to be a big gesture; it’s the thought that counts.

Including kids in almsgiving is an important part of teaching them about Lent. It can help them to understand the importance of giving back and to become more compassionate and aware of others. Encourage your children to think about how they can help others, either through volunteering or donating money. You can also help them to find a local charity to donate to or volunteer at as a family.

Explaining the concept of almsgiving to children can help them to understand why we give back during Lent, and how it can help those in need. It will also help them develop the habit of giving back and understanding the importance of helping others.


In conclusion, it is important to teach children about the significance of Lent and provide them with ways to observe the season. Doing so allows children to develop a deeper understanding of their faith and integrate the values of Lent into their lives. Allowing children to choose their own Lenten observance also helps them to make the practice their own and facilitates a meaningful Lenten journey for them.

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