What Is Bulldozer Parenting ?

What is bulldozer parenting? This is a question asked by many parents. What is bulldozer parenting is the practice of parents using their power and authority over their children to achieve their own goals and ambitions.

This term came into existence after a study conducted by Dr. Richard Weissbourd, a psychology professor at Harvard University. In his study, he concluded that in families with two working parents, both of them become involved in child-rearing. This practice of parents becomes even more pronounced if one of the parents is a single parent.

Dr. Weissbourd conducted several studies on this topic, and his research findings showed that in the majority of families, mothers were more engaged in the parenting of their children than fathers. This study led to the birth of the term bulldozer parenting.

It’s a form of parenting where the mother/father tries to do everything for her children. When she/he is busy with her own work, she/he tries to get the kids to do their homework. She cooks all the meals for them, and when they have no energy to go outside, she makes sure that they watch TV.

Bulldozer parenting pros and cons

In this way, mothers and fathers use their power and authority over their children to accomplish their goals. Mothers and fathers who bulldoze their children often believe that their children should not have their own thoughts or opinions. They consider their children as their property and they try to make sure that they follow what their parents say.

Advantage of Bulldozer Parenting:

There are several advantages to bulldozer parenting. One of them is that it helps the children in becoming self-sufficient. Children who have parents who bulldoze them often become independent and successful adults.

Disadvantage of Bulldozer Parenting:

But there are also disadvantages to this practice.

For instance, parents who bulldoze their children may neglect the needs of their children. When a parent is too busy with his/her own life, he/she may forget to pay attention to the needs of their children. Parents who bulldoze their children may not allow them to explore their feelings and emotions. This might lead to them being more distant from their children.

Another disadvantage of bulldozer parenting is that it can lead to bullying among children. Bulldozer parents may force their children to do something that they don’t like. And when the children don’t agree to do what their parents say, they often respond by hitting the children. In this way, children who have been bulldozed by their parents are often bullied by their classmates.

As mentioned earlier, there are many advantages to bulldozer parenting. But there are also disadvantages. So, it’s important for parents to understand the reasons behind this parenting style and to use it judiciously.

How to Stop Parenting Like a Bulldozer:

There are some ways to stop bulldozing your children. First of all, it is important to understand why you bulldoze your children. Do you do this out of love or do you do it out of your own ambition?

If you do it out of love, you need to make sure that your children know your reasons. You need to explain to them why you are behaving the way you do. And when they ask why, you need to provide them with a good answer. This will help them understand your intentions.

If you do it out of your own ambition, you need to make sure that you don’t expect anything from your children. You need to give them space and allow them to think for themselves.

Once you understand the reasons behind bulldozing your children, it is important to stop doing it. If you do it because you think it’s your job, then you need to stop. You need to understand that it is not your job to teach your children. You can only do that when they are ready to learn.

When you realize that you are bulldozing your children, you need to make sure that you stop doing it. You need to take the time to explain to your children why you are doing it. When they understand why, you need to show them love and affection.

You can also explain to them the reason why you are acting the way you do. When your children understand that you are trying to look after their best interests, they will respect you.

If you don’t want to stop bulldozing your children, then you need to make sure that you set healthy boundaries for them. For instance, you can let them decide for themselves about going to a party or watching TV.

You can also make them understand that it is okay to disagree with you. You can tell them that if you think you are right, then they should listen to you.


Do you think you are a bulldozer parent? If you are, then it’s important for you to understand why you are bulldozing your children. This will help you stop doing it.

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