Why Does My Toddler Keep Asking Me To Go Away ?

We all know that toddlers are very cute and adorable, but sometimes they can be quite annoying. Why does my toddler keep asking me to go away? What is the reason behind this?

If you ask me, this question will make you think that your child is not getting enough attention, but it isn’t true. Most of the time this behavior happens when your child is too hungry or thirsty.

But sometimes toddlers show their annoyance by telling you to go away because they want you to play with them or feed them. It is very important to understand that this behavior is normal and not a bad one.

Let’s know more about this behavior:

1. They are hungry

Toddlers and children will show their annoyance by asking you to leave the room. It is true that toddlers are usually hungry and they will ask you to go away. If your child is really hungry, then he/she will probably ask you to leave the room.

2. They need your attention

Sometimes toddlers will tell you to leave the room because they want your attention. They will ask you to feed them or play with them. If you are busy doing something else, then your toddler will ask you to come and play.

3. They need to pee

Most of the times, toddlers will ask you to leave the room because they need to pee. If you are busy doing something else, then your child will ask you to come and play.


This is the list of the most common reasons that make your toddler to ask you to go away. If you notice this behavior, then don’t be worried. It is perfectly normal and you shouldn’t take any action against it.

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