why is my toddler waking up so early

Are you exhausted from your toddler waking up in the middle of the night or too early in the morning? If so, you’re not alone! Many parents struggle with their little ones waking up at all hours of the night. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why toddlers may be waking up so early and what you can do to help them get a better night’s sleep.

Understand Your Toddler’s Sleep Patterns

Understanding your toddler’s sleep patterns is key to helping them get the rest they need. Toddlers need around 11-14 hours of sleep per day, and their bedtime should be consistent and early enough to ensure they get the rest they need. If your toddler is waking up too early, it could be a sign that their tuck-in time or nap schedule are off balance. To help reset their sleep patterns, try shifting bedtime later and helping them establish a routine for going to bed. Additionally, some toddlers may experience sleep regression around 18 months; if this happens, try using positive reinforcement to reestablish good sleeping habits. Finally, remember that for some kids an early bedtime and wake up are normal – so don’t worry if your toddler wakes up early! Just make sure they’re getting enough sleep overall.

Create a Bedtime Routine

Creating a consistent bedtime routine can help ensure your toddler gets the sleep they need. It also helps them wind down and relax before going to sleep. Here are some tips for setting up a bedtime routine that’s right for your family:

1. Set a consistent bedtime. Establishing a regular bedtime gives your child’s internal clock a cue that it’s time to start winding down and getting ready for sleep.

2. Make the bedroom relaxing and comfortable. Create an environment that’s dark, quiet, and cool—ideal conditions for sleeping soundly. Consider using blackout curtains or shades to keep any light from seeping in, or white noise machines to help mask any outside noise that may disrupt your toddler’s slumber.

3. Start with bath time: Give your toddler a warm bath about an hour before their bedtime; this helps them relax and get ready for sleep by lowering their body temperature naturally as they cool off after the bath.

4. Get moving: Add physical activities like yoga poses, dancing, or other light exercise into the routine to help tire out active toddlers before settling into bed (just make sure you don’t overstimulate them!).

5. Wind down with stories: Reading books together is an excellent way to end the day on a peaceful note; choose stories that focus on calming topics like nature or going to sleep instead of exciting ones about adventures or monsters!

6 .Stay consistent: Stick with this routine every night; even if you’re feeling rushed one night, this consistency will make it easier for everyone involved when it comes time for bed!

Provide Comfort and Safety in the Bedroom

Provide Comfort and Safety in the Bedroom

Creating a comfortable and safe sleep environment for your toddler is essential for good quality sleep. This includes making sure the bedroom has the right temperature, furniture, and accessories. Here are some tips to help you provide comfort and safety in your toddler’s bedroom:

• Keep the room temperature comfortable; aim for between 65-70 degrees F.
• Furnish the room with a bed that is close to the ground so that your toddler can easily get in and out of bed without fear of falling.

• Place nightlights around the room to provide comfort during nighttime hours.
• Provide items such as stuffed animals or blankets that are associated with security and comfort.
• Make sure there are no loose items on the floor that could cause tripping or other accidents.
• Keep windows closed at night to ensure your toddler stays safe inside the bedroom.
• Ensure there are no toys or electronics in the bedroom, as these can be distracting when it’s time to go to sleep.

Try to Keep Naps on Schedule

Try to Keep Naps on Schedule

Keeping your toddler’s nap schedule consistent can help them get the sleep they need and prevent early morning wake-ups. A regular nap schedule helps to regulate your toddler’s circadian rhythm, which is the internal clock that tells their body when it’s time to sleep or wake up.

Ideally, naps should be taken at the same time each day. It’s best to avoid longer afternoon naps as this can disrupt nighttime sleep. Try to stick to a maximum of 2 hours of napping in the afternoon if possible.

When setting a nap schedule, it’s important to consider your toddler’s individual needs. Some toddlers may need more than one nap per day while others may only need one long afternoon nap. It’s best to begin by setting a regular bedtime and then adjust the nap times accordingly so that they fit within this window.

If your toddler has difficulty sleeping during their scheduled naps, there are several strategies you can try such as having them take part in quiet activities like reading books, playing with blocks or puzzles, or listening to calming music before settling down for rest. You can also make sure their bedroom is dark and cool and that there are no distractions such as TV or toys around that could interfere with their ability to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep until the end of the nap period.

By following these tips and keeping your toddler’s naps on a consistent schedule, you will help ensure they get enough quality sleep during the day so they are well-rested for nighttime too!

Consider Light Levels in the Room

Consider Light Levels in the Room

Having a toddler wake up too early can be frustrating for parents. It’s important to consider the light levels in their bedroom as this can be one of the biggest contributors to early rising. Too much light in the room can disrupt circadian rhythms and make it harder for your toddler to stay asleep. To prevent this, try installing blackout curtains or room-darkening blinds that will block out any natural or artificial light sources from coming into the room. This will help keep your toddler’s sleep cycle on track and ensure they get enough restful sleep each night. Additionally, you can adjust bedtime routines to ensure that your child still gets adequate sleep despite any disruptions caused by waking up early.

Don’t Let Them Get Too Hungry Before Bedtime

Don't Let Them Get Too Hungry Before Bedtime

If your toddler is waking up too early, don’t let them get too hungry before bedtime. Make sure your toddler is not overtired and has an age-appropriate and consistent bedtime routine. When they wake up early, go to their room immediately in order to try and get them back to sleep as soon as possible. Give them their lovey or a high-protein snack such as hummus, yogurt or nut butter on toast before bedtime if they seem hungry when they wake up. This may help stave off hunger until morning. If your child consistently wakes up too early, adjust for a later bedtime by shifting it back in 15-minute increments so they can get enough sleep. Consider their needs and whether they might not need as much sleep (or are even hungry by morning). Additionally, make sure to give them a snack before bed if needed and have five hours between waking up from nap time and heading to bed so that they’re tired enough for falling asleep after the bedtime routine is complete. Finally, if teething is the cause of their night waking, make sure to provide relief with painkillers or natural remedies for teething.

Exercise During the Day

Exercise is an important part of staying healthy and having plenty of energy, and that goes for toddlers as well! Getting regular exercise during the day can help your toddler burn off their extra energy, helping them to sleep better at night. It can also give them a chance to explore their environment in a safe way and develop their gross motor skills.

Encourage your toddler to get outside each day for some fresh air and physical activity. Take them on walks around the block or to nearby playgrounds, or let them play in your own backyard. You could also bring out fun outdoor toys such as balls or bubbles to capture their attention.

If you don’t have access to the outdoors, try finding ways for your toddler to exercise indoors as well. There are lots of activities that can be done inside, such as playing with hula hoops or jumping jacks. You could also bring out fun indoor toys such as board games or puzzles.

Make sure that whatever activity you choose is suitable for your toddler’s age and abilities so they don’t get discouraged if it’s too hard or too boring if it’s too easy. And remember—exercising with your toddler will not only help tire them out but will give you some quality bonding time with them too!

Control Caffeine Intake During the Day

Control Caffeine Intake During the Day

Caffeine is a popular stimulant that many of us rely on to help us stay awake and alert during the day. However, its effects can extend into our sleep cycles, leading to disrupted and shorter sleep. To ensure your toddler is getting enough restful sleep, it’s important to limit caffeine intake during the day.

Caffeine can interfere with sleep onset and reduce total sleep time by up to 1 hour if consumed 6 hours before bedtime. It can also cause disruptions throughout the night. So it’s best to avoid caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, energy drinks and soda at least 6 hours before bedtime.

If you have trouble sleeping or if your toddler is waking up too early in the morning, consider cutting back on your caffeine consumption as well as improving your child’s sleep habits. Ensure they are going to bed at a reasonable hour and that their bedroom is dark and quiet when they are asleep. While it may be tempting to reach for a cup of coffee in the morning, try waiting until after breakfast or later in the day so that you don’t disrupt their natural circadian rhythm.

By limiting caffeine intake during the day and creating healthy sleep habits for your toddler, you will be able to ensure they have enough restful sleep each night so that they can wake up refreshed each morning!

Encourage Positive Thoughts Before Bedtime

Encourage Positive Thoughts Before Bedtime

Encouraging positive thoughts before bedtime can be a great way to ensure your little one gets the sleep they need. Before bedtime, it’s important to create a calming atmosphere and keep your toddler engaged in activities that promote relaxation. Talk about all of the exciting things that happened during the day, like playing outside or going for a walk. Also, read stories or sing songs together. This will help them wind down and get ready for sleep.

It’s also important to encourage your toddler to think positively about sleeping and rest. Use positive language when talking about sleep to help them feel excited about it. You can say things like “sleep is fun” or “resting helps us stay healthy and strong!” Allow them to make decisions on their own too; let them pick their favorite blanket, stuffed animal, or pillow so that they feel in control of their bedtime routine.

At the same time, make sure that you keep a consistent schedule when it comes to bedtime so that your toddler knows what is expected of them each night. Doing this will help create a sense of security for them so that they are more likely to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep throughout the night!

Limit Electronics and Screen Time Before Bed

Limit Electronics and Screen Time Before Bed

With the rise of digital technology, it is becoming increasingly important to limit electronics and screen time before bed. Studies have shown that technology use in the pre-bedtime period can lead to fewer hours of sleep and more middle-of-the night awakenings. This is especially true for children who are particularly vulnerable to sleep problems caused by blue light emitted from devices.

To ensure better quality sleep, parents should set a “technology curfew”, which involves ceasing the use of electronics one hour before bedtime. This will help children wind down and relax as they transition into sleep. During this time, activities such as reading a book or talking with family members can be beneficial for both physical and mental well-being.

In addition, parents should be aware that deficiency in sleep is more likely to occur when both themselves and their children have electronic devices on in the pre-bedtime period. Therefore, it is important to model healthy behavior by limiting your own screen time in order to promote good sleeping habits for your child or teenager.

Finally, if your toddler wakes up too early, make sure not to provide them with screens or other stimulating activities during these times as they may learn that these activities are associated with early morning wakings and perpetuate this habit even further. Instead, try cutting screen time as their first morning activity so they associate waking up with something more beneficial than staring at a screen all day!


When it comes to why your toddler is waking up so early, there are many potential causes. Sleep deprivation and circadian rhythms are the most common reasons, but other factors such as an early nap or going to bed too early can also play a role. To address the issue, you may need to adjust bedtime or try providing a good morning basket full of activities for them to do when they wake up. If your toddler is still having trouble sleeping through the night, consulting a sleep specialist may be necessary.

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